Easy Fixes for When Your Door is Hard to Lock and Unlock

Patio Door Security


Ensuring the safety of your home extends beyond just the front door. Your Patio Door Security is crucial. Your patio doors are gateways to your personal oasis and, unfortunately, potential entry points for unwelcome visitors. In the bustling heart of London and its picturesque surroundings, where the urban meets the quaint, securing your patio doors is not just about safeguarding possessions; it’s about preserving peace of mind.

Patio doors come in various styles, each with its charm and set of security challenges. Whether it’s the classic elegance of French doors, the modern appeal of sliding glass doors, or the innovative design of bi-folding doors, each offers a unique way for homeowners to merge the comfort of their interiors with the beauty of the outdoors. However, if you do not consider security adequately, this seamless integration of spaces can sometimes leave you vulnerable.

In the next few minutes, we’ll help you strengthen your home’s back entrances without sacrificing style or your property’s appearance. From upgrading locks to adding smart security technology, we’ve got you covered. Let’s ensure your patio doors not only look good but also provide strong security.

Understanding Patio Door Vulnerabilities

Your patio door is more than just a portal to your serene garden or a viewpoint to the urban landscape; it’s also a potential weak spot in your home’s defense. Recognizing the vulnerabilities specific to the type of patio doors you have is the first step in fortifying them. Here’s what you need to know about the most common patio doors in London homes and their susceptibilities:

Sliding Glass Doors:

 While they offer a sleek design and don’t swing out, potentially saving space, their tracks can be a weak point. Intruders can often lift them out of their tracks or force them open if they are not properly secured. Enhancing your Patio Door Security is essential to prevent such vulnerabilities.

French Doors:

 Their double-door configuration can be an aesthetic delight, but it can also mean double the trouble. The area where the two doors meet—the mullion—is often a target for forced entry.

Bi-fold Doors: 

These are a contemporary favorite, allowing for wide openings and a clear view. However, their multiple points of folding can be a complex challenge to secure, as each fold represents a potential point of entry if not well-protected.

Common Security Gaps:
Locks that are old or basic: 

Many patio doors have low-security locks that intruders can easily pick or bump.

Glass that is not reinforced:

 Burglars can quickly gain entry by shattering the standard glass, which is a vulnerability.

Lack of visibility: 

Doors hidden from street view offer more cover for a burglar to attempt a break-in unnoticed.

Overlooked hardware:

 Hinges, strike plates, and the door frame itself can be weaknesses if not properly reinforced.

By understanding these vulnerabilities, homeowners can take targeted steps to address them, creating layers of security that will deter potential intruders. In the following sections, we’ll explore how to enhance the security of your patio doors, focusing on high-impact upgrades and simple enhancements that can make a significant difference in your home’s overall safety.

Locks and Hardware Upgrades

Upgrading Locks: 

The lock on your patio door isn’t just a device; it’s the guardian protecting your home’s entrance. Upgrading these locks is crucial for improving your patio door security.

Keyed Locks:

 These are the most common and can be easily replaced with high-security versions that are pick-resistant and feature anti-snap cylinders, offering a higher level of protection.


For French and bi-fold doors, adding a deadbolt can provide an extra layer of security. Consider a double-cylinder deadbolt that requires a key from both sides, preventing intruders from simply breaking the glass and reaching in to unlock the door.

Smart Locks:

 Embrace modern security by installing smart locks, which offer features such as remote locking/unlocking, access logs, and integration with home security systems.

Additional Hardware Options for Reinforcement

Beyond locks, there are numerous hardware options available to fortify your patio doors against break-ins.

Security Bars:

Also known as ‘charlie bars,’ these can be placed in the track of sliding doors to prevent them from being opened from the outside.

Anti-Lift Devices:

Additionally, these gadgets block burglars from lifting your sliding doors out of their tracks from outside, which is a frequent tactic they employ.

Strike Plate Locks:

 Upgrade the strike plate—the metal plate where the lock ‘strikes’—with a reinforced version that includes longer screws to anchor it to the door frame, making it harder to force open.

Door Sensors:

 Door sensors, as part of a comprehensive home security system, will alert you when someone unexpectedly opens your patio door.

Each of these upgrades serves as a critical component in a multi-layered defense strategy for your patio doors. By combining these enhancements, you significantly increase the resilience of your home against intrusions.

Strengthening the Glass

The vast, inviting panes of glass in your patio doors are one of their most appealing features, offering a view of the outside world. However, they can also be the weakest link in your home’s defense. Strengthening these glass areas is crucial to improving security. Here are some effective methods:

Shatter-Resistant Film:

 Apply a clear, protective film to the glass, which holds the pane together even when struck, preventing it from shattering easily. This film can deter burglars by slowing down their entry attempt, often discouraging them altogether.

Laminated/Tempered Glass:

 If you’re considering replacing the glass, opt for laminated or tempered options. Laminated glass is composed of two glass sheets with an interlayer that remains intact even when broken. Tempered glass, on the other hand, is heat-treated to increase its strength, making it harder to break.

Security Screens or Grilles: 

Installing these over your patio doors can provide a strong physical barrier. They come in various designs, allowing you to enhance security without compromising on aesthetics.

Window Bars:

 Although they may not be as visually appealing, window bars are a very effective way to secure your glass doors. They can be custom-made to match your home’s style while providing a formidable obstacle to forced entry.

Double Glazing: 

Upgrading to double-glazed patio doors not only improves home insulation but also offers a tougher barrier for potential intruders to breach.

Each of these options has its benefits, and the best choice for your home will depend on your specific security needs and aesthetic preferences. By strengthening the glass on your patio doors, you create a clear but strong barrier that can deter even the most determined intruder.

Technology Integration for Patio Doors

In an era where technology has become tightly woven into daily life, it’s no surprise that home security has become smarter, more integrated, and more responsive. As a result, you can harness technology to enhance the security of your patio doors in the following ways:

Smart Locks:

 These sophisticated devices allow you to control access to your home remotely. With features like keyless entry, customized access codes, and real-time alerts, you’ll always know who’s coming and going. Some smart locks even offer biometric entry options, such as fingerprint recognition, for an added layer of security.

Alarm Systems:

 Modern alarm systems can be connected to sensors on patio doors, triggering an alarm if the doors are tampered with or opened without authorization. This can be an effective deterrent and can also alert you and the security services immediately to any potential breach.

CCTV and Surveillance Cameras:

 Installing cameras near your patio doors can serve as both a deterrent and a means of collecting evidence. With motion-sensing technology and night vision capabilities, these cameras can alert you to activity around your doors at any hour.

Motion Sensor Lighting:

 Thieves prefer to work in the dark, and bright lights can effectively spoil their plans. Motion-activated lights can startle would-be intruders and also provide a visual alert to any movement outside.

Home Automation Systems:

 These systems can integrate various security features, allowing you to control locks, lights, cameras, and alarms all from one central hub or smartphone app. This can include setting schedules for lights or blinds to create the appearance of someone being home, even when you’re away.

By integrating these technological solutions into your patio door security strategy, you not only enhance your protection but also add convenience and peace of mind. In the next section, we’ll discuss physical barriers and deterrents that can complement these technological measures.

Physical Barriers and Deterrents

While technology offers sophisticated solutions to patio door security, the physical fortification of these potential entry points remains a critical layer of protection. Here’s how you can add physical deterrents to enhance security:

Security Bars and Charlie Bars:

Furthermore, these metal bars can be extended across the track of a sliding door or between the door handle and the floor, offering a strong barrier that prevents the door from being opened from the outside.

Dowel or Security Rod in the Track:

 A simple yet effective method for sliding doors is to place a sturdy dowel or metal rod in the track, preventing the door from being slid open when it’s in place.

Thorny Bushes or Prickly Ground Cover:

In addition to mechanical reinforcements, planting thorny bushes like roses, hawthorn, or pyracantha near your patio doors can provide a natural deterrent. Intruders are less likely to navigate through a barrier that could leave them scratched and more easily identified.

Reinforced Door Frames and Hinges:

Moreover, strengthening the door frame with metal reinforcement plates and securing the hinges with longer screws can make the door more resistant to being forced or kicked in.

Anti-Shatter Window Film:

 As mentioned earlier, this film can prevent glass from being easily broken, which can be a deterrent in itself. If an intruder can’t quickly and quietly break the glass, they may be less likely to attempt a break-in.

Grilles and Shutters:

 Decorative grilles or roller shutters can be added to patio doors to provide a substantial physical barrier while also potentially enhancing the aesthetic appeal of your home.

Warning Signage:

 Displaying signs that alert to the presence of an alarm system or a protective dog can act as a psychological barrier, even if you don’t have these measures in place.

Combining these physical barriers with the previously discussed technological solutions creates a robust security system for your patio doors. By making it clear that your home is well-protected, you discourage would-be intruders from seeing your property as an easy target.

Behavioral Strategies to Improve Security

Security isn’t just about the hardware; it’s also about habits. The daily practices of those who live in the home play a vital role in maintaining security. Here are some behavioral strategies that can significantly improve the security of your patio doors:

Routine Checks:

 Make it a habit to check that your patio doors are properly locked every night and before you leave the house. This simple act can be one of the most effective deterrents to opportunistic theft.

Visibility and Lighting:

 To enhance your Patio Door Security, ensure that the areas around your patio doors are well-lit and visible from the street or by neighbors. This visibility can discourage potential intruders. Additionally, consider trimming any overgrown foliage that may provide cover for someone trying to break in.

Use Window Dressings Wisely:

 While you may love a clear view of your garden or terrace, keeping your curtains or blinds open after dark provides a clear view inside your home. Make sure to draw them in the evening to prevent prying eyes.

Incorporate Security in Your ‘Leaving the House’ Routine:

 Just like grabbing your keys and phone, checking the security of your patio doors should be a part of your routine whenever you go out.

Neighborly Vigilance:

 Be a part of a neighborhood watch program if available, or simply maintain good relationships with your neighbors so you can keep an eye on each other’s properties.

Be Mindful of Spare Keys:

 Avoid leaving a spare key in a ‘hidden’ place outside; burglars know the common hiding spots. Instead, leave a spare with a trusted neighbor or family member.

Awareness of Social Media: 

Be cautious about what you post on social media. Broadcasting that you’re away on holiday can be an open invitation to burglars.

Professional Locksmith Assessment:

 Consider having a professional locksmith evaluate your home’s security, including your patio doors. They can provide personalized advice and solutions to bolster your defenses.

Integrating these strategies into daily routines boosts home security, making it a conscious habit. In our final section, we offer maintenance tips to keep your patio doors reliably secure over time.


To enhance patio door security, use strong physical barriers, smart technology, and alert practices. The strategies in this article will fortify your patio doors, turning a possible weak spot into a robust part of your home defense. Remember, the peace of mind that comes from knowing you’ve taken the right steps to protect your home is invaluable.

We encourage all homeowners to be proactive in their approach to home security. Regular maintenance, upgrades, and good practices can all contribute to a safer home environment. If you’re unsure about the best steps to take, consult with a professional locksmith who can provide expert advice tailored to your unique needs.

Call us at 0203 834 3177 or book an appointment online.

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